Using xmllint --shell
, I execute
chapter > cat *
<title>Getting to Know Penguins</title>
<para>Penguins are cute.</para>
<title>The Head</title>
<sect1 id="penguin.coat">
<title>The Coat</title>
chapter > ls
ta- 5
--- 1 title
ta- 5
--- 3 abstract
ta- 5
--- 5 sect1
ta- 5
c-- 17
ta- 5
-a- 5 sect1
ta- 3
What does "ta", "c" and "a" stand for, and what do the characters represent?
The answer you seek is available in the following location:
libxml2-2.9.0::debugXML.c:1652: xmlLsOneNode(FILE *output, xmlNodePtr node)
I've broken the output down by node type, please note that the second two characters below are shown as "--" for convenience. In actuality, for all node types other than XML_NAMESPACE_DECL, the second character is "a" if node->properties is not NULL and the third character is "n" if node->nsDef is not NULL. Finally, #NC# suggests a digit value for the number of children that node has while #CL# is a digit value for the length of the content of the node.
XML_ELEMENT_NODE: --- #NC# [[(node->ns->prefix):](node->name)] XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: a-- #NC# [(node->name)] XML_TEXT_NODE: t-- #CL# [xmlDebugDumpString(node->content)...|"(NULL)"] * The string value of content up to at most 40 characters with some * substitutions. A space (' ') replaces the whitespace characters * allowed by the XML RFC: (0x20, 0x9, 0xA, 0xD). Any character whose * HEX value is 0x80 or greater is printed as a string: "#XXXX" XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: C-- #CL# XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE: e-- 1 [(node->name)] XML_ENTITY_NODE: E-- 1 [(node->name)] XML_PI_NODE: p-- #CL# XML_COMMENT_NODE: c-- #CL# XML_DOCUMENT_NODE: d-- #NC# XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE: h-- #NC# XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: T-- 1 XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE: F-- 1 XML_NOTATION_NODE: N-- 1 XML_NAMESPACE_DECL: n 1 [(node->prefix)|"default"] -> (node->href) default: ?-- 1