I am making an application using Silverlight.
I must restict the access of some controls to some users.
Example: user1 can't use the delete button ...
Is there a framework or something that can help me ? Would it help if I use sessions ?
I found a tool that do what I want. It is called Visual Guard. It's a very nice and powerful tool.
In the documentation
Visual Guard has been designed to automate as much functionality as possible in order to manage security in a PowerBuilder application. This is performed at several levels:
Managing actions specific to PowerBuilder Visual Guard manages the modification of key PowerBuilder object properties: • Enabling/disabling a control (button, graph, listbox, etc.). ). • Making a control (button, graph, listbox, etc.) visible/invisible. • Enabling/disabling menu items. • Making menu items as well as their toolbar icons visible/invisible. • Hiding/showing a datawindow column. • Enabling/disabling a datawindow column • Changing the WHERE clause of a datawindow sql statement. • Filtering of rows displayed in a datawindow. • Modifying text controls (Column names, contextual help, etc.) • Modifying the properties of a datawindow element (data input restrictions, changing a column's validation message or validation rules, etc.).
Managing actions specific to your class libraries
Data-driven Security
and much much more
I hope that it will help someone