I am creating a system backup error (php error
and custom error
) in TXT, not user data but the dynamically generated page.
If you have already generated the LOG other user does not need to generate as ever existed.
I simulated 10 concurrent connections/requests and sometimes this error occurs: No such file
$p = 'errs/'.$arqErr;
$o = 'temp/'.$arqErr;
if(file_exists($o) && is_readable($o) && is_writable($o)){
echo 'Error copy "',$p,'" to "',$o,'"';
if(file_exists($o) && is_readable($o) && is_writable($o)){
sometimes the error occurs:
Warning: Unable to open 'temp/6039dd66559c9431004109202d279557.php' for reading: No such file or directory
and sometimes the error occurs:
Warning: Unlink failed (No such file or directory)
Is it a bug of PHP_5.3.0?
Note: In Windows Seven with PHP5.3.4 this failure does not occur.
The problem seems to be having multiple concurrent users trying to access the same files, it doesn't seem to be a PHP related problem.
Try to think of a different logging scheme, maybe using the error_log()
function you can have PHP manage concurrency access issues for you.
error_log('Log message', 3, "md5(address of the page).LOG.txt");