I'm trying to make a webcomic RSS feed with Django, but I can't put an image in the description field, because the html code gets escaped, even if it's in an {% autoescape off %} block.
Here is my description template:
{% autoescape off %}
<img src="{{obj.img.url}}"/>
{% endautoescape %}
And this is the result:
<img src="http://localhost:8000/media/comics/001__.png"/>
How can I avoid this autoescaping?
How can I avoid this autoescaping?
Actually, you need to keep this auto-escaping... Look carefully at any other rss feeds: xkcd.com/rss.xml
Quote from spec by the RSS Advisory Board:
A channel may contain any number of items. An item may represent a "story" -- much like a story in a newspaper or magazine; if so its description is a synopsis of the story, and the link points to the full story. An item may also be complete in itself, if so, the description contains the text (entity-encoded HTML is allowed; see examples), and the link and title may be omitted. All elements of an item are optional, however at least one of title or description must be present.