I'm going to use gSOAP to interact with a WCF webservice in my Mac project. It does pretty much exactly what I need and it does it well (pretty much the exact opposite of WSMakeStubs;)). The only downside is that it's C/C++ only, meaning I either need to convert all my types into C types on the fly or write a complete wrappering solution to do it for me.
I'd rather not reinvent the wheel here, and I'm obviously not the only one who has wanted to do this, but so far I haven't been able to find anybody who has actually posted any code to this effect.
Does anybody know of any code available that would save me from having to write the whole thing myself?
I'd say the current answer is "No".
I ended up creating an Objective-C wrapper mostly by hand for my web service (including category methods for NSArray to translate an NSArray of X into a soap array of X and vica versa, etc) since it was a one-off and I did not expect it to change particularly often. I'm happy with it, but I do need to modify it by hand whenever a signature is changed or a method is added.