I'm running the following script:
curl http://testflightapp.com/api/builds.json
-F file=$archive
-F api_token='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
-F team_token='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
-F notes='here comes the new app!'
-F notify=True
-F distribution_lists='MyFriends'
but I'm getting the error:
You must supply api_token, team_token, the file and notes (missing file)
I'm actually copy/past-ing the script from the TestFlight website. What's wrong with that?
Please note that, as seen in the example given in the TestFlight API Documentation, you need to use the '@' character before the IPA file name.
You should try with:
curl http://testflightapp.com/api/builds.json \
-F file=@$archive \
-F api_token='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
-F team_token='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
-F notes='here comes the new app!' \
-F notify=True \
-F distribution_lists='MyFriends'