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How to specify media bundles per application in django-mediagenerator?

Django-mediagenerator has been pretty helpful so far, but thing that has been bothering me is that all MEDIA_BUNDLES are defined in I would like to be able to define media bundles inside individual application folders.

How can media bundles be separated by application, instead of all being centralized in


  • The only way I've found to do this is to do it yourself. I ended up writing a small file in same folder as my settings file:

    from settings import MEDIA_BUNDLES, INSTALLED_APPS
    BUNDLE_NAME = 'MEDIA_BUNDLES'  # Name of bundles tuple
    BUNDLE_FILE = 'media'          # Name of python file
    for app_name in INSTALLED_APPS:
        if app_name.startswith('apps'):
                path = '{app}.{media}'.format(app=app_name, media=BUNDLE_FILE)
                app  = __import__(path, None, None, [BUNDLE_NAME])
                bundles       = getattr(app, BUNDLE_NAME)
                MEDIA_BUNDLES = MEDIA_BUNDLES + bundles
            except Exception, e:
                print e