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Creating generic WCF Fault Exception within Message Inspector, will not be caught

When creating a generic fault exception FaultException<MyWebServiceFaultDetail> and passing it back to the message inspector pipeline as a MessageFault, the client will not receive the generic fault in its catch (FaultException<MyWebServiceFaultDetail> ex) block, it is only caught within the catch (FaultException ex) block.

The MyWebServiceFaultDetail and IClientMessageInspector implication both live within the same project as the client WCF web reference in a single project MyProjects.MyWebService.

The WebService is called by another project which has a reference to the MyProjects.MyWebService project.

*Comments have been removed for brevity

The data contract:

public class MyWebServiceFaultDetail
    public string MessageDetail { get; set; }

    public string MessageType { get; set; }

    public string TransactionComplete { get; set; }

    public string TransactionSuccess { get; set; }

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("Detail[MessageDetail={0}] [MessageType={1}] [TransactionComplete={2}] [TransactionSuccess={3}]", MessageDetail,MessageType ,TransactionComplete ,TransactionSuccess );

The message inspector. I would just add that reply.Headers.Action is null when this method runs. Setting the action value on the call to CreateMessage() has had no affect. Values I have tried.

.CreateMessage(reply.Version, ex.CreateMessageFault(), "*");

.CreateMessage(reply.Version, ex.CreateMessageFault(), reply.Headers.Action);

.CreateMessage(reply.Version, ex.CreateMessageFault(), ex.Action);

internal class ResponseMessageInspector : System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.IClientMessageInspector
    private static NLog.Logger _logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

    public void AfterReceiveReply(ref Message reply, object correlationState)
        MessageBuffer bufferedMessage = null;

            bufferedMessage = reply.CreateBufferedCopy(Int32.MaxValue);

            Message replacedMessage = bufferedMessage.CreateMessage();

            if (bufferedMessage.MessageContentType != "application/soap+msbin1" || reply.IsEmpty || reply.IsFault)
                reply = replacedMessage;

            bool isErrorMessage;

            var messageReader = replacedMessage.GetReaderAtBodyContents();

            isErrorMessage = (messageReader.Name == "TransactionReport");

            if (isErrorMessage)
                string transactionComplete = "",
                    transactionSuccess = "",
                    messageType = "",
                    messageDetail = "",
                    messageBrief = "";

                while (messageReader.Read())
                    if (messageReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && !messageReader.IsEmptyElement)
                        switch (messageReader.Name)
                            case "TransactionComplete":
                                transactionComplete = messageReader.ReadString();

                            case "TransactionSuccess":
                                transactionSuccess = messageReader.ReadString();

                            case "MessageType":
                                messageType = messageReader.ReadString();

                            case "MessageDetail":
                                messageDetail = messageReader.ReadString();

                            case "MessageBrief":
                                messageBrief = messageReader.ReadString();


                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageBrief))
                    messageBrief = "My response processing fault: {Unable to obtain error message from My response, enable WCF message tracing for more detailed information}";


                FaultException ex = new FaultException<MyWebServiceFaultDetail>(
                    new MyWebServiceFaultDetail
                        TransactionComplete = transactionComplete,
                        TransactionSuccess = transactionSuccess,
                        MessageDetail = messageDetail,
                        MessageType = messageType
                    new FaultReason(messageBrief));

                Message faultMessage = Message.CreateMessage(reply.Version, ex.CreateMessageFault(), null);


                reply = faultMessage;
                reply = bufferedMessage.CreateMessage();
            if (bufferedMessage != null)

    public object BeforeSendRequest(ref Message request, System.ServiceModel.IClientChannel channel)
        return null;

The client code that is reciving the FaultException but not a FaultException<MyWebServiceFaultDetail>

 internal static T TrySendToMyWebService<T>(
        CallWebServiceDelegate<T> callWebService,
        bool expectResponce,
        out MessageProcessorResult result) where T : class
        T MyWebServiceResponce = null;

        result = new MessageProcessorResult();

        using (ServiceRequestConnectorServiceSoapClient ws =
          new ServiceRequestConnectorServiceSoapClient())
                MyWebServiceResponce = callWebService(ws);
                if (expectResponce && MyWebServiceResponce == null)
                    result.ShouldRetry = true;
                    result.RetryReason = "Unexpected MyWebService web service response. The response was null";
            catch (FaultException<MyWebServiceFaultDetail> ex)
                // I never get called :(
                result.Exception = ex;
                result.ShouldRetry = true;
                result.RetryReason = string.Format("An Exception was raised calling the MyWebService web service: Reason:{0}  /r/nDetails: {1}", ex.Reason, ex.Detail.ToString());
                _logger.ErrorException(result.RetryReason, ex);
            catch (FaultException ex)
                result.Exception = ex;
                result.ShouldRetry = true;
                result.RetryReason = string.Format("An Exception was raised calling the MyWebService web service: {0}", ex.Message);
                _logger.ErrorException(ex.Message, ex);

        return MyWebServiceResponce;


  • Just throw the new typed FaultException<MyWebServiceFaultDetail> from the AfterReceiveReply of your message inspector.

    FaultException ex = new FaultException<MyWebServiceFaultDetail>(
                    new MyWebServiceFaultDetail
                        TransactionComplete = transactionComplete,
                        TransactionSuccess = transactionSuccess,
                        MessageDetail = messageDetail,
                        MessageType = messageType
                    new FaultReason(messageBrief));
    throw ex;

    If your detail class is declared on the client side, you don't even need to decorate it with DataContract attribute.