I am trying to register a different instance of my database depending upon the constructor name. I am familiar with the "first wins" concept in Castle Windsor, but apparently I don't fully understand it.
I would like uaxDB parameter name below to signal ControllerInstaller to give me the instance with UAXmongoURL, UAXmongoConnection parameters. Instead I am getting the first instance, with USERmongoURL and USERmongoconnection parameters. So...first wins, but even when I used named instances? How can I fix so that the named instance trumps any default ordering?
Note I don't just want to swap the order of the two components, because I'm about to have yet more instances so I need to scale beyond 2....said another way, I really need to understand what I'm doing wrong.
// Trying to avoid this constructor declaration in favor of the uncommented constructor
// public DBViewerModel(IMongoConnection devDB, IMongoConnection uaxDB, IMongoConnection prodDB)
public DBViewerModel(IMongoConnection mongoConnection)
//this.devMongoConnection = devDB;
//this.uaxMongoConnection = uaxDB;
//this.prodMongoConnection = prodDB;
this.mongoConnection = mongoConnection;
With registration...
You can specify explicitly what component should be injected by service overrides:
This is the older way how to do it. If you are using latest version of Windsor, it is prefferable to use DependsOn(Dependency.OnComponent("uaxDB", "uaxDB"))
API instead.