I'm trying to write a string over a image. Currently I'm using MiniMagick and I can resize and overlap two images, but when I try write a multiline string using caption nothing happens to final image, it's still same as before.
Here is my current code:
image = MiniMagick::Image.open('template.jpg')
image.combine_options do |c|
c.background '#0008'
c.fill '#666'
c.gravity 'center'
c.size '100x50'
c.caption "Lets write some big string here... zzzzz I hope this work =)"
My refs: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/annotating/
ImageMagick multiline text and background image
Thanks all
I ended using a system call to get rid this problem, here is the code:
Subexec.run "convert -background '#fff0' \\
-fill '#003300' \\
-gravity west \\
-size 560x180 \\
-pointsize 19 \\
-font \'#{font_path}\' \\
caption:\"#{caption}\" \\
#{photo_path} \\
+swap \\
-gravity NorthWest \\
-geometry +333+113 \\
-composite #{photo_path}"