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Root privileges to install ruby gems on Openshift

How can I get root privileges in my Openshift app? I need to install additional gems to my Openshift virtual machine and it's impossible to do it without superuser privileges.

For login, I'm using SSH: ssh

I've already entered my to the Openshift web interface and I'm doing SSH with no password.


  • To install additional gems in openshift see this forum, copied from ramr answer:

    So what you would need to do is add a Gemfile + Gemfile.lock to your app and then do a git push -- see for an example Gemfile+Gemfile.lock.

    Steps to do that: 1. Create an appropriate Gemfile -- probably something like:

    source ''  
    gem 'whois'  
    gem "minitest"  
    local_gemfile = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "Gemfile.local")  
    if File.exists?(local_gemfile)  
      puts "Loading Gemfile.local ..." if $DEBUG # `ruby -d` or `bundle -v`  

    On your workstation do a bundler install bundle install (you might need to gem install bundler before you can use bundler). That should create a Gemfile.lock - add that and the Gemfile and commit git add Gemfile Gemfile.lock, git commit Gemfile Gemfile.lock -m 'added deps' Push changes to your OpenShift App git push HTH