I'm using the Spark's TextArea that contains links like this:
<a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23hashtag" target="_blank">#hashtag</a>
As you can see, this is a link to the Twitter search page for the specific hashtag. The hash-sign must be escaped in the query string. But, I have a problem here: when I click the link, the '%' symbol gets escaped automatically and the URL becomes corrupted (...search?q=%2523hashtag
). Can I turn off this automatic escaping?
The '#' sign, if used in the URL, does not become escaped, and therefore the Twitter page does not open correctly in this case. So I cannot use neither '#' nor '%23' in the URL.
I would appreciate any solution for this. Thank you.
Ok... so far, I couldn't find a way to turn off the automatic escaping of the URL when it's clicked. But I've found the workaround instead.
Basically, I add a custom click handler to all the link elements inside the TextFlow and open the links manually when clicked (instead of a built-in TLF behavior). Like this:
public function addLinkHandler( textFlowOrGroupElement: FlowGroupElement ): void
// scan the flow elements
for ( var f1: int = 0; f1 < textFlowOrGroupElement.numChildren; f1 ++ ) {
// found element
var curFlowGroupElement: FlowElement = textFlowOrGroupElement.getChildAt( f1 );
// if this is the link element, add the click event listener
if ( curFlowGroupElement is LinkElement ) {
( curFlowGroupElement as LinkElement ).addEventListener( FlowElementMouseEvent.CLICK, onLinkClick );
// if this is another flow group
else if ( curFlowGroupElement is FlowGroupElement ) {
// scan this group in turn, recursively
addLinkHandler( curFlowGroupElement as FlowGroupElement );
and here is the click handler for the links:
public function onLinkClick( e: FlowElementMouseEvent ): void
var linkElement: LinkElement = e.flowElement as LinkElement;
navigateToURL( new URLRequest( linkElement.href ), '_blank' );
So in the end to make the Twitter-hashtag links work correctly in the TextArea, I do this:
addLinkHandler( textArea.textFlow );
P.S. The algorithm of adding the click handlers is based on this post, but optimized.