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Inspecting an instance of a COM / Interop class properly in VS.Net's debugger?

Does anyone know if and how it's possible to see COM / Interop objects properly (in their correct type) in VisualStudio's debugger? All I get is the 'evil' System.__ComObject value (even though it correctly identifies the type)?




  • So, this isn't an answer, but check out these two screen shots. This is from the same application, just at two different break points. In both cases the COM objects are from the same COM/AX library. I've no idea why in one case I see "System.__ComObject" and in the other the proper type. However, in both cases, I'm seeing the appropriate object/interfaces properties. What gives? Why the difference?

    The first one here shows it showing up a "System.__ComObject", however it's also showing me all of the properites of the object. Click to view the full sized image.

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    The second one completely hides the "System.__ComObject". Click to view the full sized image.

    alt text