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Tar Directory Contents Without Creating A Root Folder In Archive

I am running the following snippet in a bash script in a folder. This creates an archive where there is no root folder since I am running the script within the folder whose contents I am archiving.

tar -pczf $ARCHIVE_NAME --exclude=${ARCHIVE_NAME} --exclude=$(basename ${0}) *

Archive Contents:

works great, but since I am using the * it is not archiving hidden files in the immediate directory. I did some searching and found archiving (ubuntu tar) hidden directories I have then changed it to:

tar -pczf $ARCHIVE_NAME --exclude=${ARCHIVE_NAME} --exclude=$(basename ${0}) .

Archive Contents:

still works, but now there is a root folder being created with the name being the '.' character. The contents are then within that. How do I get my previous result, but where it still archives hidden files in the immediate directory?

Thanks in advance!


  • While it doesn't affect the unpacking of the archive (since . just refers to the same dir), if it bothers you, you can change the wildcard from * to .[^.]* * to include all the hidden files as well.

    In addition, if you have hidden files beginning with .., such as ..a, you'll need to add ..?* to the list as well.