I've configured uaa for my vcap , I also successfully to register a new user into it,
azureuser@vcap:~/cloudfoundry/vcap/dev_setup/bin$ sudo vmc login
Attempting login to [http://paas.azure4j.us]
Email: test@meruvian.org
Password: **
Successfully logged into [http://paas.azure4j.us]
But when I try to "sudo vmc info"
Output is :
VMware's Cloud Application Platform
For support visit http://support.cloudfoundry.com
Target: http://paas.azure4j.us (v0.999)
Client: v0.3.23
Is it mean that I failed to login ?
Is there any problem with Uaa ?
I think I fixed this issue for the present
So I disable uaa configuration on cloud_controller.yml
Then I can log in again with my username and password
enabled: true --> false
url: http://chankillo.openpaas.or.id:8061/
resource_id: cloud_controller
token_secret: uaa_jwt_secret
client_secret: cloudcontrollersecret
token_creation_email_filter: [""
But I still dont know what is the effect of this to my vcap system or security ,
but thank you for all help :)