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Find the closest time to the current time

I guess my brain just threw an out of memory exception and crashed, My problem is I have a class member array of SYSTEMTIME size 3 which is user defined (read from a .lua)

SYSTEMTIME m_MatchTime[3];

Then it's read this way from the file:

m_MatchTime[0].wDayOfWeek = static_cast<WORD>( m_Lua.GetGlobalNumber( "FirstDay" ) );
m_MatchTime[0].wHour = static_cast<WORD>( m_Lua.GetGlobalNumber( "FirstHour" ) );
m_MatchTime[0].wMinute  = static_cast<WORD>( m_Lua.GetGlobalNumber( "FirstMinute" ) );

m_MatchTime[1].wDayOfWeek = static_cast<WORD>( m_Lua.GetGlobalNumber( "SecondDay" ) );
m_MatchTime[1].wHour = static_cast<WORD>( m_Lua.GetGlobalNumber( "SecondHour" ) );
m_MatchTime[1].wMinute  = static_cast<WORD>( m_Lua.GetGlobalNumber( "SecondMinute" ) );

m_MatchTime[2].wDayOfWeek = static_cast<WORD>( m_Lua.GetGlobalNumber( "ThirdDay" ) );
m_MatchTime[2].wHour = static_cast<WORD>( m_Lua.GetGlobalNumber( "ThirdHour" ) );
m_MatchTime[2].wMinute  = static_cast<WORD>( m_Lua.GetGlobalNumber( "ThirdMinute" ) );

now I have a method:

GetLocalTime( &cTime );

I must calculate which from the three user defined times is BEFORE and closer to the current time, then calculate the remaining time to it, (please notice that Sunday = 0, Saturday = 6, also note that only wDayOfWeek, wHour and wMinute must be compared to get to the closest )

Edit: Now I'm awarding 500bounty for a solution, please note the example of what I want,

Today: Day 4, Hour 3, Minute 0,
Date: Day 5, Hour 5, Minute 30
The remaining time until date is: 1 days, 2 hour and 30 minutes


  • I have came with an algorithm for the solution, I know its far from the most professional way to do it, but its flawless so far.

    int main()
    SYSTEMTIME m_MatchTime[3];
    // Monday: 00:00
    m_MatchTime[0].wDayOfWeek = 1;
    m_MatchTime[0].wHour = 22;
    m_MatchTime[0].wMinute = 4;
    // Sunday: 01:00
    m_MatchTime[1].wDayOfWeek = 4;
    m_MatchTime[1].wHour = 1;
    m_MatchTime[1].wMinute = 0;
    // Wednesday: 15:30
    m_MatchTime[2].wDayOfWeek = 6;
    m_MatchTime[2].wHour = 15;
    m_MatchTime[2].wMinute = 30;
    // Sunday 23:00
    cTime.wDayOfWeek = 3;
    cTime.wHour = 14;
    cTime.wMinute = 5;
    /*  std::cout << timediff_2(cTime, m_MatchTime[0]) << "\n";
    std::cout << timediff_2(cTime, m_MatchTime[1]) << "\n";
    std::cout << timediff_2(cTime, m_MatchTime[2]) << "\n";*/
    if( cTime.wDayOfWeek == 0 )
        for( int i =0; i<3; i++ )
            if( cTime.wDayOfWeek >= m_MatchTime[i].wDayOfWeek )
                m_Time.push_back( timediff_2(cTime, m_MatchTime[i]) );
        if( m_Time.size() == 0 ) //trim right
            for( int i =0; i<3; i++ )
                if( cTime.wDayOfWeek <= m_MatchTime[i].wDayOfWeek )
                    m_Time.push_back( timediff_2(cTime, m_MatchTime[i]) );
        for( int i =0; i<3; i++ )
            if( cTime.wDayOfWeek <= m_MatchTime[i].wDayOfWeek )
                m_Time.push_back( timediff_2(cTime, m_MatchTime[i]) );
        if( m_Time.size() == 0 ) //trim right
            for( int i =0; i<3; i++ )
                if( cTime.wDayOfWeek >= m_MatchTime[i].wDayOfWeek )
                    m_Time.push_back( timediff_2(cTime, m_MatchTime[i]) );
    std::sort( m_Time.begin(), m_Time.end() );
    SYSTEMTIME nearest;
    if( m_Time.size() > 0 )
        for( int l=0; l<3; l++ )
            if( timediff_2( cTime, m_MatchTime[l] ) == )
                nearest = m_MatchTime[l];
    unsigned int manydaysleft = howmanydaysuntil(  nearest.wDayOfWeek , cTime.wDayOfWeek );
    unsigned int manyhoursleft = howmanyhoursuntil(  nearest.wHour, cTime.wHour );
    if( nearest.wHour < cTime.wHour ) //manydaysleft will always be > 0
    unsigned int manyminutesleft = howmanyminutesuntil( nearest.wMinute, cTime.wMinute );
    if( nearest.wMinute < cTime.wMinute )
        << manydaysleft << endl
        << manyhoursleft << endl
        << manyminutesleft << endl;*/
    cout << "CurrentTime\n"  
        << "Day:" << cTime.wDayOfWeek
        << "Hour:" << cTime.wHour
        << "Min:" << cTime.wMinute 
        << "\nDay:" << nearest.wDayOfWeek
        << "Hour:" << nearest.wHour
        << "Min:" << nearest.wMinute
        << "\nDay:" << manydaysleft
        << "Hour:" << manyhoursleft
        << "Min:" << manyminutesleft;
        return 0;