I am trying to build the following services:
I am stuck on part where the original image is duplicated in the same folder, under a different name (the copy finder item workflow requires a hard coded destination or other option I am not familiar with).
Maybe I could use a shell script to perform the duplicating part. I know how to get the file paths passed to the run shell script workflow, but I can't figure out how to send valid paths out to the next task (change type or resize).
MAC OS version is Mountain lion 10.8.2.
You can duplicate the files before you scale them:
on run {input}
set newFiles to {}
repeat with aFile in input
tell application "Finder" to set myFile to duplicate aFile
set end of newFiles to myFile as alias
end repeat
delay 1
return newFiles
end run
You can add another AppleScript at the end to deal with the files names:
on run {input}
repeat with myFile in input
tell application "System Events" to set oldName to myFile's name
set newName to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of oldName & " | sed -E 's/ ?copy ?[0-9?]*//'"
tell application "System Events" to set myFile's name to newName
end repeat
end run