I can get my browser url using : string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
But say if I have a url as below :
How would I get the "MyDirectory" part of it, is there a utility in .NET to get this or do I need string manipulation ?
If I do string manipulation and say anything after first instance of "/" then wouldnt it return the slash after http:? It would work if my url was www.test.com/MyDirectory/AnotherDir/testpage.aspx
Can someone please help
Instantiate a Uri instance from your url:
Uri myUri = new Uri("http://www.test.com/MyDirectory/AnotherDir/testpage.aspx");
You can then get the path segments into a string array using:
string[] segments = myUri.Segments
Your first "MyDirectory" folder will be at:
string myFolderName = segments[0];