I was just discussing a method with colleague, the usage looks a little like this:
String myString = getString(fields[10], true);
Now here's my question, what does true do?
The obvious answer is to look at the method definition and see what it does with that boolean, but why do I need to do that? Is there a better coding style that will explain the purpose of the boolean right there in the method call?
I thought initially to change the method to accept a specific string, but that's far too loose.
The best idea I can come up with is to create a local boolean, like this:
boolean thisShouldBeUpperCased = true;
String myString = getString(fields[10], thisShouldBeUpperCased);
Has anyone come across this before, is there a better way?
Typically in a C-like language you might use consts or enums to improve readability, e.g.
const bool kConvertToUpperCase = true;
const bool kDoNotConvertToUpperCase = false;
enum {
The above methods also allow for extensibility, e.g. if a design initially calls for two possible options for a particular parameter, which might then be implemented as a boolean, but later this becomes three (or more) options, requiring an int or an enum - you don't then need to switch form explicit true
literals everywhere to their equivalent values.
const int kConvertToLowerCase = 2;
const int kConvertToUpperCase = 1;
const int kDoNotConvertToUpperCase = 0;
enum {