In the following code i am trying to make a "more" command (unix) using python script by reading the file into a list and printing 10 lines at a time and then asking user do you want to print next 10 lines (Print More..). Problem is that raw_input is asking again and again input if i give 'y' or 'Y' as input and do not continue with the while loop and if i give any other input the while loop brakes. My code may not be best as am learning python.
import sys
import string
lines = open('/Users/abc/testfile.txt').readlines()
chunk = 10
start = 0
while 1:
block = lines[start:chunk]
for i in block:
print i
if raw_input('Print More..') not in ['y', 'Y']:
start = start + chunk
Output i am getting for this code is:-
10 lines from file
Print More..y
Print More..y
Print More..y
Print More..a
As @Tim Pietzcker pointed out, there's no need of updating chunk
here, just use start+10
instead of chunk
block = lines[start:start+10]
and update start using start += 10
Another alternative solution using itertools.islice()
with open("data1.txt") as f:
slc=islice(f,5) #replace 5 by 10 in your case
for x in slc:
print x.strip()
while raw_input("wanna see more : ") in("y","Y"):
slc=islice(f,5) #replace 5 by 10 in your case
for x in slc:
print x.strip()
this outputs:
wanna see more : y
wanna see more : n