I am doing simple collision detection and although I can easily detect up/down objects with a THREE.ray, I am having a hard time to find what's in front/back of a camera (or any object) when they rotate? I tried projecting a ray with a projector and to display how that ray shoots using helper arrow. Once I start rotating camera around Y axis, ray points to inverse direction or just acts weirdly...
ray = new THREE.Ray();
projector = new THREE.Projector();
vector = projector.projectVector( coll.getObject().matrix.getPosition().clone(), camera );
ray.direction = vector.normalize();
ray.origin = coll.getObject().matrix.getPosition().clone();
helper.position = ray.origin.clone();
I ended up setting a cube around my object attached to a camera and shooting rays through vertices added up, like this:
vertices = coll.getObject().geometry.vertices;
rad = coll.getObject().boundRadius+1;
var directions = {
"up": [4,1],
"down": [6,2],
"front": [3,4],
"back": [7,0],
"left": [5,6],
"right": [1,2],
var collisions = {
"up": {},
"down": {},
"front": {},
"back": {},
"left": {},
"right": {},
for (key in directions){
(directions[key].length > 1) ? localVertex = vertices[directions[key][0]].clone().addSelf(vertices[directions[key][1]].clone()) : localVertex = vertices[directions[key][0]].clone();
globalVertex = coll.getObject().matrix.multiplyVector3(localVertex);
directionVector = globalVertex.subSelf( coll.getObject().position );
ray = new THREE.Ray( coll.getObject().position.clone(), directionVector.clone().normalize(), 0, 1000 );
intersects = ray.intersectObjects(obj, true);
if (intersects.length > 0) {
distance = intersects[ 0 ].distance;
if (distance >= 0 && distance <= rad) {
collisions[key] = intersects[ 0 ];
} else {
collisions[key] = false;
} else {
collisions[key] = false;
return (falseCount !== 6) ? collisions : false;