So here are three relations:
Table Members
Members(member_id, name, city, state)
where member_id is the primary key
Table Borrowed
Borrowed(borrow_id, lib_id, member_id)
where borrow_id is the primary key
Table Libraries
Libraries(lib_id, lib_address, lib_city, lib_state)
where lib_id is the primary key
Both lib_id and member_id are foreign keys
So I am trying to write a query that finds all of the member_id of members that have borrowed a book at EVERY library in their city. This means that = libraries.lib_city AND members.state = libraries.lib_state
I was thinking about using relational division. For example you have a relation consisting of the member_id's and all of the lib_id where they have borrowed a book. And you divide this by a relation that consists of all of the lib_id in that member's city.
However, I am confused as to how to write this in relational algebraic terms.
In mysql/sql it is very easy but the translation to relational algebra is where I get stuck.
One strategy is to match the COUNT(DISTINCT lib_id)
per member_id
with the total COUNT(DISTINCT lib_id)
per city. If the two are equal, the individual has borrowed from every library in his city.
I think the following will do the job:
/* Total libraries borrowed from by member */
COUNT(DISTINCT Borrowed.lib_id) AS num_libs_borrowed,
/* Total libs in the member's city */
COUNT(DISTINCT Libraries.lib_id) AS total_city_libs
/* JOIN the city between Members & Libraries */
JOIN Libraries ON = Libraries.lib_city
/* JOIN member to borrowed */
JOIN Borrowed ON Members.member_id = Borrowed.member_id
GROUP BY member_id
/* If the number of libs borrowed from = the total libs in the city... */
HAVING num_libs_borrowed = total_city_libs