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Strategy for being able to reverse a deletion using SQLAlchemy

I have a series of related tables maintained by Python/SQLAlchemy. If I delete a row in a particular table, I want the ability to be able to reverse that delete at some point in the future, in case of a mistake. I could do this using an is_deleted column and filter on that, but that becomes a pain when I'm querying other tables for related data. I could add an is_deleted column to all the other tables, and when a row from the main table is deleted, toggle them all. But then for every query on all the tables I'd have to filter on is_deleted. It can be done, but I'm hoping for a way to do it without having to filter every query.

One thought would be to move all the deleted data to another set of tables, that only store deleted data. But it's unclear to me if SQLAlchemy allows me to switch the table a particular object is associated with. I think this would be the preferred solution, but I don't know if it can be done.

Another thought is that I could run a second database, and copy the deleted data over. But that adds a layer of administration complexity that I'd like to avoid.


  • A lot of people do the "is_deleted" thing, and I agree I'm not a fan of that either, though we do have a recipe for that at PreFilteredQuery.

    What you're looking for, as someone else suggested, is a "versioning" recipe. We have a comprehensive example of storing copies of data in a separate versioned table introduced at Versioned Objects in the SQLAlchemy documentation.

    Here, I've adapted some of the techniques used in that example to produce a more direct recipe that specifically only tracks "deleted" objects, and includes a "restore" feature which will "restore" a given row back to the main table. So it's not as much "SQLAlchemy allows me to switch the table a particular object is associated with", it's more like another mapped class is created, which resembles the primary one, which can also be used to "reverse" the deletion as you request. Everything below the line regarding __main__ is a proof-of-concept.

    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, object_session
    from sqlalchemy import event
    def preserve_deleted(class_):
        def copy_col(col):
            newcol = col.copy()
            newcol.constraints = set()
            return newcol
        keys = class_.__table__.c.keys()
        cols = dict(
            (col.key, copy_col(col)) for col in class_.__table__.c
        cols['__tablename__'] = "%s_deleted" %
        class History(object):
            def restore(self):
                sess = object_session(self)
                sess.add(copy_inst(self, class_))
        hist_class = type(
                        '%sDeleted' % class_.__name__,
                        (History, Base),
        def copy_inst(fromobj, tocls):
            return tocls(**dict(
                            (key, getattr(fromobj, key))
                            for key in keys
        @event.listens_for(Session, 'before_flush')
        def check_deleted(session, flush_context, instances):
            for del_ in session.deleted:
                if isinstance(del_, class_):
                    h = copy_inst(del_, hist_class)
        class_.deleted = hist_class
        return class_
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
        from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String
        from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, Session
        from sqlalchemy import create_engine
        Base = declarative_base()
        class A(Base):
            __tablename__ = "a"
            id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
            data1 = Column(String)
            data2 = Column(String)
        class B(Base):
            __tablename__ = 'b'
            id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
            data1 = Column(String)
            a_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
            a = relationship("A")
        e = create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)
        s = Session(e)
        a1, a2, a3, a4 = \
            A(data1='a1d1', data2='a1d2'),\
            A(data1='a2d1', data2='a2d2'),\
            A(data1='a3d1', data2='a3d2'),\
            A(data1='a4d1', data2='a4d2')
        b1, b2, b3, b4 = \
            B(data1='b1', a=a1),\
            B(data1='b2', a=a1),\
            B(data1='b3', a=a3),\
            B(data1='b4', a=a4)
            a1, a2, a3, a4,
            b1, b2, b3, b4
        assert s.query( == [(1, ), (2, ), (3, ), (4, )]
        assert s.query( == [(1, ), (2, ), (3, ), (4, )]
        assert s.query( == [(1, ), (4, )]
        assert s.query( == [(1, ), (4, )]
        a2_deleted = s.query(A.deleted).filter( == 2).one()
        b3_deleted = s.query(B.deleted).filter( == 3).one()
        a3_deleted = s.query(A.deleted).filter( == 3).one()
        assert s.query( == [(1, ), (2, ), (3, ), (4, )]
        assert s.query( == [(1, ), (3, ), (4, )]