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Deeply Nested, Arbitrarily lenth Definition Lists, Zebra-striped in Jquery

I have a page where the markup includes nested definition lists of both random depth and random numbers of DDs associated with any DT. Thus:

- DT
- DD
- DT
- DD
- DD

I need:

  1. zebra stripe the groups of DT/DDs with one another and
  2. to start the even/odd sequence over for each nested list that is encountered.

    • Using :even and :odd won't work because of the extra DDs.
    • I've tried using an each loop, shown here:, which fixes A but ignores B. i.e. compare the background color of the 1st child dt/dd combination to the 1st parent, and consider the return to the parent list which should be blue not green.



  • With my new understanding of what you want, I think this will do. Let me know if I am still misunderstanding.

       $this = $(this);