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Is there a way to trigger some kind of `OnPropertyChanged` event for a computed property that uses a property of a "child entity" in a collection?

Is there a way to trigger some kind of OnPropertyChanged event for a computed property that uses a property of a "child entity" in a collection?

A small example:

I have a simple WPF application with a DataGrid showing Customer properties. I am using Entity Framework 5, CodeFirst approach, so I wrote my classes manually with my own INotifyPropertyChanged implementation.

public partial class Customer : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private string _firstName;
    public virtual string FirstName
        get { return _firstName; }
            _firstName = value;

    private string _lastName;
    public virtual string LastName
        get { return _lastName; }
            _lastName = value;

    public virtual ICollection<Car> Cars { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<Invoice> Invoices { get; set; }


Now in that same class I created 3 computed properties:

    public string FullName
        get { return (FirstName + " " + LastName).Trim(); }

    public int TotalCars
            return Cars.Count();

    public int TotalOpenInvoices
            if (Invoices != null)
                return (from i in Invoices
                        where i.PayedInFull == false
                        select i).Count();
            else return 0;

The FullName is automatically updated in the DataGrid because I'm calling OnPropertyChanged("FullName");

I found an example of the INotifyCollectionChanged implementation that I can probably use to auto update the TotalCars when something is added to or removed from the ICollection:

But what is the best approach to trigger the OnPropertyChange("TotalOpenInvoices") when a property (PayedInFull) inside the ICollection (Invoices) changes?

Doing something like OnPropertyChanged("Customer.TotalOpenInvoices"); in the Invoice class doesn't seem to do the trick... :)


  • Do you have control of what goes inside your collections? If you do, you can create a Parent property on your Invoice object and when it is added to the collection, set the parent to your Customer. Then when PaidInFull gets set, run your Customer.OnPropertyChanged("TotalOpenInvoices") or call a method on the Customer object to recalculate your invoices.

    Enforcing parent-child relationship in C# and .Net