I am populating the customer object as shown below. How do I would I concisely code something like the following?
If IsDbNull(.Age) Then
.Age = 10
.Age = dataRow("Age")
End If
Here's the context I'd like to use it in:
Public Shared Function Retrieve() As List(Of Customer)
Dim dt As DataTable = Dac.ExecuteDataTable("CustomerRetrieveAll", Nothing)
Dim customerList As New List(Of Customer)
For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
customerList.Add(New Customer {
.CustomerId = CType(dr("CustomerID"), Integer),
.LastName = dr("LastName").ToString,
.Age = dr("Age").ToString,
.FirstName = dr("FirstName").ToString})
Return customerList
End Function
Within the Microsoft.VisualBasic
namespace there is a function called IIF
. It works by evaluating an expression and returning one value if the expression is true and another if false.
.Age = IIF(dr("Age") = DBNull.Value, 10, dr("Age").ToString())
In newer versions of Visual Studio (2008 ~), this is available by default without import an import (IIF
was a function, the new If
is an operator):
.Age = If(dr("Age") = DBNull.Value, 10, dr("Age").ToString())
If it wasn't DBNull
, but just Nothing
, you could use the null-coalescing operator:
Dim val = If(objectThatMightBeNothing, DefaultValueToUse)
See MSDN for more detail.