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add image to jtable which data in the resultset

Possible Duplicate:
JAVA: Put Image in jTable Cell

I got a question while I'm adding a image to jtable.I can add a single Image to jtable.but the question is I have more Images in my result set .I have tried while loop but it doesn't work. thank you all .

this is my code

public void setableimage(String name) throws SQLException

        ImageIcon ico;
        DBConnManager dbconn = new DBConnManager();
        Connection conn = dbconn.getConnect();

        Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

        ResultSet rst = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT image,F_name,L_name FROM person WHERE F_name LIKE '"+name+"%'  ");


            byte[]imagedata = rst.getBytes(1); // get image data to byte array

            String perName = "          "+rst.getString(2).toString()+"   "+rst.getString(3).toString(); // get fersons name 

           ico = new ImageIcon(imagedata);  // create image icon

           MyTableModel model = new MyTableModel(); // create MyTableModel

           ImageRender im = new ImageRender();   // create ImageRender object

           im.setIcon(ico);    // set the icon like Person's image
           im.setDes(perName); // set the image description  like First name and Last name




    catch (SQLException ex) {

    catch(Exception ex)


public class MyTableModel  extends AbstractTableModel{

public int getRowCount() {
    return 1;

public int getColumnCount() {

    return 1;

public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
    return ""+(rowIndex*columnIndex);


///////////////////////////////////imageRender class

public class ImageRender  extends DefaultTableCellRenderer
  JLabel lbl = new JLabel();

      ImageIcon icon ;

      String des;

      public void setDes(String des)
        this.des = des;

    public void setIcon(ImageIcon icon)
        this.icon = icon;


  public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected,
  boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) 
        return lbl;



  • The default renderer should be satisfactory for ImageIcon, but you need to override getColumnClass() in your AbstractTableModel to return the correct type. See also this answer.