Using visual web developer express 2010, I want to display a shape file and be able to manipulate the colors of the regions specified by that shape file based on some data values.
I found some code (I think it was an MSDN page) that throws up a simple map on to the screen of a web page. Here it is:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var map;
function OnPageLoad() {
map = new VEMap('myMap');
<body onload="OnPageLoad();">
<div id="myMap" style="position:relative;width:640px;height:480px;"></div>
It doesn't use a shapefile, per se, but something online that it's pointing to (Virtual Earth). that's okay, that might work, but ...
It displays a map with some basic control mechanisms (pan, zoom, etc.). I copy-pasted this into a web page and it works well. I want to be able to color regions on this map based on some values. I figure there's got to be some kind of underlying structure to this thing (an object model) that contains references to the regions, etc. But I can get any help from intellisense in visual web developer express 2010.
Anyone have an idea how to do this?
Meanwhile, back to searching the web.
In 6.3 I believe you do this with the VEShape Class.
Here are the classes supported for 6.3.
These are some great examples to get you started. Although a lot of them are version 7.0 but the syntax is quite similar. If your having troubles converting, here is a nice migration from 6.3 to 7.0 provided by msdn.