Hy everyone.
I have a simple problem here. in my order class i have OrderStatus field, which is an enum in the database. (Can be "Under process" or Dispatched)
My problem is when im using update.jspx i want a field:select dropdown list, where the admin can change this value.
Because these values can not be read out from database, i was thinking of creating a static arraylist inside order.java like this:
public static List<String> StatusList;
ArrayList<String> tmp = new ArrayList<String>();
tmp.add("Under process");
StatusList = Collections.unmodifiableList(tmp);
public List<String> getStatusList() {
return StatusList;
How can i read out these value using field:select tag, and set them as orderStatus?
<field:select field="orderStatus" id="c_photostore_Porder_orderStatus" items="${porders}" itemValue="orderStatusList" path="/porders"/>
if i could call a method from update.jspx would be fine also i think, but i know the syntax only in webflow, not in standard roo.
You can place the List in a ServletContext or request attribute and access it on the jsp by calling ${application.StatusList}
or ${request.StatusList}
you can also apply solution described in post