Could anyone give me an example of source code which uses astar pathfinding algorithm with AndEngine on the TMXTiledMap. I am using AndEngine downloaded from
Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks!
This is the official TMXTiledMapExample, but it doesn't contain A* pathfinding. It can teach you about tiled maps, though.
Here is another example from the forums which does contain it. It isn't really an example, but the pathfinding code provided there works. I don't think there is any real example of A* pathfinding, never seen any tutorial of it (The best way to learn is to read the code yourself. Better take a look at code).
The important parts for you in the forum post are are (lines):
123: Initializing the AStarPathFinder
205 - 213: Converting screen/scene coordinates to map tiles and using the pathfinder.
224: The method loadPathFound
- using the path returned by the pathfinder to move an entity.
The MyMap
class in the third post.