I am Developing a website in Drupal 7
Now Problem here is the sidebar menu (on Left)
my client wants something like in image below
means he wants a small amount of text below the link so I was thinking to add "title" text below in span where I can style it
What I want is
<li class="menu-359 first"><a class="Litigation" title="Our niche Litigation Department punches well above its weight." href="http://lorrells.seoperspective.com/Litigation">Litigation</a><span>Our niche Litigation Department punches well above its weight.</span></li>
code in page.tpl.php
<div class="sidebar_menu">
$menu = menu_navigation_links('menu-sidebarmenu');
print theme('links__menu-sidebarmenu', array('links' => $menu));
Method 1: Have you had a look at this contrib module? It will expose you a checkbox to enter html in menu titles. But am warning you, html in menu items are risky business. Make sure the permissions are set correctly.
Method 2: Another way you could achieve the same effect could be creating a block with custom markup. But then if you give permission to edit that to your client, that would probably be a disaster waiting to happen.
Method 3: If you are comfortable in playing with hooks, hook_menu_link_alter(&$item) could be used to set html attribute to true, and also reformat the title, the way you want it.