My error report told me that an error has occurred when an user tried uploading an empty file to my server (don't ask why the user did that - I don't know) and now I want to catch that exception which said "No data was received in the uploaded file". I wonder if there is a better way than putting a <CFTRY>
around the <CFFILE action="upload">
like this:
<CFFILE action="upload" destination="#expandpath("upload")#" filefield="form.file" nameconflict="makeunique" />
<!--- handle that error --->
Try/Catch is the way I usually handle it.
<cffile action="upload" ...>
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfif Find("Saving empty (zero-length) files is prohibited", CFCatch.Detail) GT 0>
<!--- Create a zero length file on disk and continue processing as usual --->
<cffile action="write" file="..." output="">