I'm trying to assign a user to their companys group based on their email domain. I'm using devise + confirmation, so I avoided using regex (dont need to validate that its a valid email...), and am trying to do this in a simple way. So essentially, it would force the users company_id (which matches up with that table) to be assigned in sign up, and then not allow them to sign up if their company doesnt exist. So this will work for both [email protected] and [email protected]
In User model
before_create :company_placement
def company_placement
user_domain = (:email).split('@').last
while user_domain.split('.').count > 2
user_domain = user_domain.split('.', 2).last
if Company.find_by_domain(user_domain) != nil
(:company_id) = Company.find_by_domain(user_domain).id
#error out
When I do this in rails console step by step, it seems to work. But in console when i run,
> user = User.create!(name: "test", email: "[email protected]", password: "foobar")
I get undefined local variable or method 'user' for #<'User....
Thanks for any help, still learning rails...
So I played with this some more and think i found a solution I like
in user model
before_validation :company_placement
def company_placement
user_domain = self.email.split('@').last
while user_domain.split('.').count > 2
user_domain = user_domain.split('.', 2).last
if Company.find_by_domain(user_domain) != nil
self.company_id = Company.find_by_domain(user_domain).id
Created devise registration controller -- controllers/registrations _ controller.rb
in new registrations controller
class RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
before_filter :verify_company, only: :create
def verify_company
build resource #necessary for devise
user_domain = resource.email.split('@').last
while user_domain.split('.').count > 2
user_domain = user_domain.split('.', 2).last
unless Company.find_by_domain(user_domain) != nil
flash[:error] = 'Sorry, your company does not exist yet'
redirect_to root_path
devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => "registrations" }
So im sure there is a more elegant solution, but this works for me. Handles the errors/flash in the controller, and then if the company exists, it the user gets auto assigned to the company through the model.