I integrated the Zend_Barcode class by placing Zend directory on application/libraries.
Under my controller:
public function barcode_gen()
$barcodeOptions = array('text' => 'ZEND-FRAMEWORK');
$rendererOptions = array();
Zend_Barcode::factory('code39', 'image', $barcodeOptions, $rendererOptions)->render();
However, this results into:
Non-existent class: Barcode
I've also read lots of tutorial but never figured out how to, some tuts are quite outdated.
Even if I followed this thread on CI forums, no luck.
When you load an external class using $this->load->library() Codeigniter puts the instance of the class in a variable named like the class loaded, so you need to access that way
Since you're then calling it statically instead, I suggested dropping the CI loader method and simply include the class:
public function barcode_gen()
//adjust the above path to the correct location
$barcodeOptions = array('text' => 'ZEND-FRAMEWORK');
$rendererOptions = array();
Zend_Barcode::factory('code39', 'image', $barcodeOptions, $rendererOptions)->render();