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{exp:} code in CSS Not Parsing

I have an ExpressionEngine template that is some global CSS styling. I have some dynamic {exp:} calls within the CSS. I have a staging environment that is identical to the production environment. However, on the staging environment, the {exp:} code doesn't parse and ends up on the client side. This is obviously causing me problems. Here's a snippet to show what I'm talking about:

{exp:channel:entries channel="personal_blog" dynamic='off' disable="categories|member_data|pagination"}
    .bio_header_{personal_ee_username} {
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        width: 960px;
        height: 270px;
        background: url('{personal_header_image}') no-repeat 0 0;

I have compared everything in my ExpressionEngine files on my staging environment to the production files and I can't find anything that would be different. Does anyone have any ideas? This is driving me insane!


  • You are very likely experiencing this bug:

    Are you using ExpressionEngine 2.5.3?
