First, I apologize if you feel this is a duplicate. I looked around and found some very similar questions, but I either got lost or it wasn't quite what I think I need and therefore couldn't come up with a proper implementation.
So I have a txt file that contains entries made by another script (I can edit the format for how these entries are generated if you can suggest a better way to format them):
SR4 Pool2
11/5/2012 13:45
Beginning Wifi_Main().
SR4 Pool2
11/8/2012 8:45
This message is a
multiline message.
SR4 Pool4
11/5/2012 14:45
Beginning Wifi_Main().
SR5 Pool2
11/5/2012 13:48
Beginning Wifi_Main().
And I made a perl script to parse the file:
use strict;
use warnings;
#use Dumper;
use CGI 'param','header';
use Template;
#use Config::Simple;
#Config::Simple->import_from('config.ini', \%cfg);
my $cgh = CGI->new;
my $logs = {};
my $key;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open LOG, "logs/Pool2.txt" or die $!;
while ( my $line = <LOG> ) {
print $logs;
close LOG;
My goal is to have a hash in the end that looks like this:
$logs = {
SR4 => {
Pool2 => {
time => '11/5/2012 13:45',
msg => 'Beginning Wifi_NDIS_Main().',
time => '11/8/2012 8:45',
msg => 'This message is a multiline message.',
Pool4 => {
time => '11/5/2012 13:45',
msg => 'Beginning Wifi_NDIS_Main().',
SR5 => {
Pool2 => {
time => '11/5/2012 13:45',
msg => 'Beginning Wifi_NDIS_Main().',
What would be the best way of going about this? Should I change the formatting of the generated logs to make it easier on myself? If you need anymore info, just ask. Thank you in advanced. :)
The format makes no sense. You used a hash at the third level, but you didn't specify keys for the values. I'm assuming it should be an array.
my %logs;
local $/ = ""; # "Paragraph mode"
while (<>) {
my @lines = split /\n/;
my ($x, $y) = split ' ', $lines[0];
my $time = $lines[1];
my $msg = join ' ', @lines[3..$#lines];
push @{ $logs{$x}{$y} }, {
time => $time,
msg => $msg,
Should I change the formatting of the generated logs
Your time stamps appear to be ambiguous. In most time zones, an hour of the year is repeated.