I've create and run my vanity migrations and I can see the resulting tables in schema.rb
and the rails console
=> ["schema_migrations", "pages", "users", "areas", "roles", "assignments", "categories", "heuristics", "references", "footnotes", "products", "orders", "vanity_metrics", "vanity_metric_values", "vanity_experiments", "vanity_conversions", "vanity_participants"]
Why then has it not created vanity_experiments.rb
and similar files in app/models
I understand vanity will be using Redis not my PostgreSQL to store the data, but Rails still maps each table to a model, right?
Vanity supports multiple adapters, including ActiveRecord. My guess is that the generator creates these migrations in case you're using the ActiveRecord adapter.
See http://vanity.labnotes.org/configuring.html for more info.