Search code examples

Rich snippets not showing because of hidden markup

I have just contacted google asking why the rich snipets are not showing on their results and they answered the following

Markup Type: Product, Reviews

    Hidden content: <span itemprop="reviewCount">6</span>

I checked in IE Developer tools and indeed its hidden, but its not hidden in my html, any idea what am I doing wrong?

<?php if ($this->getReviewsCount()): ?>
    <div class="ratings">
        <?php if ($this->getRatingSummary()):?>
          <span itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="">
            <div class="rating-box">

                <div class="rating" style="width:<?php echo $this->getRatingSummary() ?>%"><meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="<?php echo $this->getRatingSummary()/10 ?>"/></div>
                <span itemprop="reviewCount"><?php echo $this->getReviewsCount() ?></span>
        <?php endif;?>
        <p class="rating-links">
            <a href="<?php echo $this->getReviewsUrl() ?>"><?php echo $this->__('%d Review(s)', $this->getReviewsCount()) ?></a>
            <!--<span class="separator">|</span>-->
            <!--<a href="<?php echo $this->getReviewsUrl() ?>#review-form"><?php echo $this->__('Add Your Review') ?></a>-->
<?php elseif ($this->getDisplayIfEmpty()): ?>
    <p class="no-rating"><a href="<?php echo $this->getReviewsUrl() ?>#review-form"><?php echo $this->__('Be the first to review this product') ?></a></p>
<?php endif; ?>


  • While you read this, you will very funny on yourself.

    Your issue is with your css. Goto /skin/frontend/default/MAG060062/css/styles.css file on line number 529. Problem is with your .rating-box class.

    .rating-box {
        background: url("../images/bkg_rating.gif") repeat-x scroll 0 0 transparent;
        font-size: 0;
        height: 10px;
        line-height: 0;
        text-indent: -999em;
        width: 50px;

    Replace it as below

    .rating-box {
        background: url("../images/bkg_rating.gif") repeat-x scroll 0 0 transparent;
        height: 10px;
        width: 50px;

    Changes Remove

    • font-size: 0;
    • line-height: 0;
    • text-indent: -999em;

    Firebug screenshot

    enter image description here

    IE developer tool

    enter image description here

    OPEN your eyes always. lol :)