I'm using git-svn as an svn client. From time to time I encounter the following issue.
I start with a couple of commits in my local git branch, a empty stage and a clean working copy.
I type "git svn rebase" in windows command line to fetch the team's modifications and put my commit after them to keep a linear history (this is required to use git-svn)
Everything goes fine, team's content is fetched and my commits are rebased after then, but...
I end up with modifications in the working copy, and modified files in the stage, and the modifications of the working copy are the exact oposite of the modifications in the stage.
I Usually work around this by just unstaging everything that's in the stage, which reverts the modifications in the working copy, which is fine, but I would really like to understand what's happening here.
Question: Is that a bug, or is it something that I don't understand with git rebase?
Note: I had the issue while using "git svn fetch" and "git rebase" later.
Note: I use git on windows with a large svn repository (10000+ files, 150000+ revisions), and I also use git-extensions. Edit: I use it only explore the repository and commit. I do anything else from windows command line.
Edit: As requested by one of the comment, here are two screenshot to help understand the problem. The first is the content of the working copy, the second is the content of the stage. You can easily see the both are the exact oposite:
Working copy:
Stage (reverts working copy modifications, very visual: same image, red and green are swapped):
Edit: I just reproduced the issue in a very simple case: My commit modifies only one file, very few new commits were fetched during the "git svn rebase", and none of them affected the modified file. I checked with "gitk --all". It says exactly the same thing than git-extensions and "git status" Here is the output of gitk. We see from bottom to top:
Edit: Here is the content of my .git
dir after a "git svn rebase" where the problem occured:
17/02/2012 04:57 0 ArmuazEm5Z
05/04/2012 02:28 0 BeMzRLwWcu
06/11/2012 14:37 90 COMMIT_EDITMSG
01/11/2012 15:42 628 config
15/02/2012 04:21 73 description
16/02/2012 13:22 0 fuMhUevkYu
05/11/2012 15:53 1 703 279 gitk.cache
05/07/2012 03:49 0 gJfUbdRuG9
06/11/2012 14:42 23 HEAD
11/07/2012 03:14 <DIR> hooks
21/02/2012 03:22 0 II5HPacSJd
06/11/2012 14:42 5 439 960 index
15/10/2012 13:18 <DIR> info
16/02/2012 08:16 0 jerS1GtBYS
17/02/2012 04:57 0 Kg64sq9pzS
15/02/2012 23:36 0 lbe0yALJYy
15/10/2012 13:17 <DIR> logs
19/10/2012 16:58 <DIR> objects
06/11/2012 14:42 41 ORIG_HEAD
25/10/2012 11:02 2 795 packed-refs
05/07/2012 03:49 0 PpxYa5z0Hc
02/11/2012 10:00 <DIR> refs
15/02/2012 23:36 0 sm6ociDGGF
06/11/2012 14:42 <DIR> svn
21/02/2012 03:22 0 vEqtL0Yiqd
05/04/2012 02:28 0 VFwn3laTEV
16/02/2012 13:22 0 XYoiLqY5BM
16/02/2012 08:16 0 z9vL8lRT7t
22 File(s) 7 146 889 bytes
6 Dir(s) 54 105 219 072 bytes free
Edit: If you are interested in tracking this issue, I reported a bug on git@vger.kernel.org mailing list with "[git-svn] [bug report] Index in strange state after git svn rebase" in the subject.
This appears to be a bug. If your working directory and index are clean before a rebase, they should be clean after rebase; or you should get a merge conflict and the opportunity to clean it up and continue the rebase.
It looks like for some reason, your index is being left stale after applying your local modifications.
Basically, there are three main views of the current state of the repository. There is the HEAD commit, which is the state of the repository as of the last commit, and what your next commit will be a child of. This is being updated properly during your rebase; HEAD is now your local commit, rebased on top of what you got from the upstream repository.
There's the index, which is supposed to contain a view of what the state of your next commit will be. This seems to be where the problem is. After a successful rebase from a clean tree, the index should appear to have the same view of the repository as HEAD, but it appears to be getting a stale view, of what the upstream repository contains. It looks like it isn't being updated after applying your local patches on top of the upstream repository.
And there's your working copy; the actual files on your disk. For some reason, when you are doing the rebase, the head commit is being updated properly, and the working tree is being updated properly (or is being left alone), but the index is left in a state that refers to the origin commit that you are rebasing onto. This means that if you compare the index to your rebased commit, it looks like you have reverted your changes, and if you compare your working copy to your index, it looks like you have added them back again.
A few things to check:
directory after such a problematic rebase? Just a list of the files at the top level of .git
would be helpful. Actually, a full listing, including filenames, modification dates, and permissions might give a little more information.