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EF repository implementation to NHib

Below is an implementation for a generic repository desgned for use with Entity Framework. Ignoring its 'goodness' or 'badness' for this exercise...

What would the code look like for this in NHibernate?


public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> 
where T : class
protected ObjectContext Context;
protected ObjectSet<T> QueryBase;

public Repository(ObjectContext context)
    Context = context;
    QueryBase = context.CreateObjectSet<T>();

public IEnumerable<T> Matches(ICriteria<T> criteria)
    var query = criteria.BuildQueryFrom(QueryBase);
    return query.ToList();

public void Save(T entity)


This is NOT a question about how to design a repository or whether to use one or not. Just a straight forward translation from EF to NHib...


  • the Nhib version of a repository would be an ISession object.
    see this famous post from ayende.