I am trying to make it possible for a tool I use to connect via VPN to the network in my University. The problem with that is, that I am just able to generate a tun/tap device. The tool itself does not support using a specific network interface BUT it supports using a HTTP-proxy.
So now I am looking for a HTTP-Proxy which I can bind to a specific interface (tun device) in order to let the tool connect to my VPN via this HTTP-proxy.
I have looked at privoxy an squid but I couldn't find a hint thtat they support it.
Do you know any HTTP-proxy that supports what I plan to do?
I believe just binding to a tun interface is not enough. Since the packets coming into your HTTP-proxy will be IP packet, you will also need some TCP stack in the proxy code which can terminate the connect. Lwip is a stack for embedded device which seems full-featured. Maybe you can use that to terminate the connection and proxy it out.
Also, neither squid nor privoxy support tuntap device.
Hope this helps.