I use XCode 4.5
I downloaded the SDK 3.1.1 from https://github.com/downloads/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk/FacebookSDK-3.1.1.pkg
and then I import the framework by dragging first and it does not work so I use the method of add other... in the build phases
I have this in my project:
and this in my build phases:
but when I import the FacebookSDK library like this
#import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>
I have a file not found:
Did I miss something?
Ok I found the solution.
Actually the problem was from my Framework Search Paths in the search paths category.
I installed several time the facebook package and import the facebookSDK.framework several times and it adds me the link automatically in my Framework Search Paths.
I just removed all links and recreate a correct one manually and it worked.