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artifacts when rendering both sides of a transparent object with three.js

I try to render both sides of a transparent object with three.js. Other objects located within the transparent object should show too. Sadly I get artifacts I don't know too handle. Here is a test page:

Here is an image of the said artifact. They seem to stem from the underlying sphere geometry. artifacts with blending mode: THREE.AdditiveBlending = 1

Interestingly the artifacts are not visible for blending mode THREE.SubtractiveBlending = 2. enter image description here

Any help appreciated!



  • Self-transparency is particularly difficult in WebGL and three.js. You just have to really understand the issues, and then adapt your code to achieve the effect you want.

    You can achieve the look of a double-sided, transparent sphere in three.js, with a trick: You need to render two transparent spheres -- one with material.side = THREE.BackSide, and one with material.side = THREE.FrontSide.

    Using such methods is generally required if you want self-transparency without artifacts -- especially if you allow the camera or object to move.

    three.js r.143