Is there any information available on the core architecture of the Firefox OS? I don't mean developer-facing information only. I am interested in the underlying architecture similar to that of Android available here:
In few words, Firefox OS is an environment where running HTML5-based applications (not only the mark-up language but all associated technologies including JavaScript, CSS3, web APIs...).
These applications run on an special browser called Gecko. You can consider Gecko as a Firefox with steroids with applications replacing web pages. In some aspects it lacks of some browser functionality but it implements a lot of APIs to provide a safe access to the devices.
Gecko is supported by the actual SO, Gonk. Gonk is a very simple distribution of GNU/Linux and it holds the Hardware Abstraction Layer or HAL placed between the device hardware and Gecko. Gonk translates low level hardware access to C++ interfaces and Gecko offers these interfaces to developers in form of JavaScript standard APIs.
More info in Mozilla Wiki