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has error in doc? i'm not sure

Usage Example

To better explain how PHQL works consider the following example. We have two models “Cars” and “Brands”:

    class Cars extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model
        public $id;

        public $name;

        public $brand_id;

        public $price;

        public $year;

        public $style;

        * This model is mapped to the table sample_cars
        public function getSource()
            return 'sample_cars';

         * A car only has a Brand, but a Brand have many Cars
        public function initialize()
            $this->belongsTo('brand_id', 'Brands', 'id');

And every Car has a Brand, so a Brand has many Cars:

    class Brands extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model
        public $id;

        public $name;

         * The model Brands is mapped to the "sample_brands" table
        public function getSource()
            return 'sample_brands';

         * A Brand can have many Cars
        public function initialize()
            $this->hasMany('id', 'Brands', 'brand_id'); // here


  • You are correct. The relationship should have been hasMany on Cars not Brands. The corrected example is below

    class Cars extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model
        public $id;
        public $name;
        public $brand_id;
        public $price;
        public $year;
        public $style;
        * This model is mapped to the table sample_cars
        public function getSource()
            return 'sample_cars';
         * A car only has a Brand, but a Brand have many Cars
        public function initialize()
            $this->belongsTo('brand_id', 'Brands', 'id');

    And every Car has a Brand, so a Brand has many Cars:

    class Brands extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model
        public $id;
        public $name;
         * The model Brands is mapped to the "sample_brands" table
        public function getSource()
            return 'sample_brands';
         * A Brand can have many Cars
        public function initialize()
            $this->hasMany('id', 'Cars', 'brand_id');