The simple demo below captures what I am trying to do. In the real program, I have to use the object initialiser block since it is reading a list in a LINQ to SQL select expression, and there is a value that that I want to read off the database and store on the object, but the object doesn't have a simple property that I can set for that value. Instead it has an XML data store.
It looks like I can't call an extension method in the object initialiser block, and that I can't attach a property using extension methods.
So am I out of luck with this approach? The only alternative seems to be to persuade the owner of the base class to modify it for this scenario.
I have an existing solution where I subclass BaseDataObject, but this has problems too that don't show up in this simple example. The objects are persisted and restored as BaseDataObject - the casts and tests would get complex.
public class BaseDataObject
// internal data store
private Dictionary<string, object> attachedData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
public void SetData(string key, object value)
attachedData[key] = value;
public object GetData(string key)
return attachedData[key];
public int SomeValue { get; set; }
public int SomeOtherValue { get; set; }
public static class Extensions
public static void SetBarValue(this BaseDataObject dataObject,
int barValue)
/// Cannot attach a property to BaseDataObject?
dataObject.SetData("bar", barValue);
public class TestDemo
public void CreateTest()
// this works
BaseDataObject test1 = new BaseDataObject
{ SomeValue = 3, SomeOtherValue = 4 };
// this does not work - it does not compile
// cannot use extension method in the initialiser block
// cannot make an exension property
BaseDataObject test2 = new BaseDataObject { SomeValue = 3, SomeOtherValue = 4, SetBarValue(5) };
One of the answers (from mattlant) suggests using a fluent interface style extension method. e.g.:
// fluent interface style
public static BaseDataObject SetBarValueWithReturn(this BaseDataObject dataObject, int barValue)
dataObject.SetData("bar", barValue);
return dataObject;
// this works
BaseDataObject test3 = (new BaseDataObject { SomeValue = 3, SomeOtherValue = 4 }).SetBarValueWithReturn(5);
But will this work in a LINQ query?
Even better:
public static T SetBarValue<T>(this T dataObject, int barValue)
where T : BaseDataObject
dataObject.SetData("bar", barValue);
return dataObject;
and you can use this extension method for derived types of BaseDataObject to chain methods without casts and preserve the real type when inferred into a var field or anonymous type.