Hello friend i need to over ride magento core controller
i want to override a Mage\ImportExport\controllers\Adminhtml\ExportController.php
In my community\compnyname\modulename\controllers\Adminhtml
this is my config.xml in \compnyname\modulename\etc
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
this is my controller code in \compnyname\modulename\controllers\Adminhtml\ExportController.php
class company_module_ImportExport_Controller_Adminhtml_ExportController extends Mage_ImportExport_Adminhtml_ExportController
function indexAction()
echo "i am called";die;
Please help me in override a controller
Where is problem in my code?
A rewrite like that is deprecated since Magento 1.3 (2009). You can read more about it here.
What you would want to do instead is like the following:
<companyname_exportproduct before="Mage_ImportExport_Adminhtml">Companyname_ExportProduct_Adminhtml</companyname_exportproduct>
Your classname and require looks a bit off as well. And it's good practice to not end php class files with a php end tag since it could accidentally include a whitespace that would mess up sent headers order.
So having said that I'd change your class file to:
class Companyname_ExportProduct_Adminhtml_ExportController extends Mage_ImportExport_Adminhtml_ExportController
function indexAction()
echo "i am called";die;
And just in case you have forgot I'm including the file you would have to have in app/etc/modules to make your module active: