Using AutoHotkey or AutoIt I need to create (and name) a database (.db) file in the date format.
The files should be named January/01/2000.db
, January/02/2000.db
, etc. Right up to the present day; a new file for each day.
Additionally, the created files need to be in a new folder having the same name as the file.
January/01/2000.db is not a valid filename but a folder path! The following AutoHotkey snippet would do it:
#SingleInstance, Force
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetBatchLines -1
DatB := 20000101000000
DatE := SubStr( A_Now,1,8 ) . "000000"
While ( DatB <= DatE ) {
FormatTime, DT, %DatB%, MMMM\dd
FormatTime, YY, %DatB%, yyyy
DatB += 1, Day
FileCreateDir, %A_ScriptDir%\%DT%
FileAppend,, %DT%\%YY%.db