I have written a Java program to calculate the square root of a user-defined number using Newton's method. The main operations of the algo goes like that:
answer = guess - ((guess * guess - inputNumber) / (2 * guess));
while (Math.abs(answer * answer - inputNumber) > leniency) {
guess = answer;
answer = guess - ((guess * guess - inputNumber) / (2 * guess));
I'm now seeking to find the complexity of the algorithm (yup it's homework), and have read up from here that the time complexity of Newton's method is O(log(n) * F(x)).
However, from the above code snippet, I have interpreted the time complexity to be:
O(1+ ∑(1 to n) (1) ) = O(1+n) = O(n)
Not sure what I'm getting wrong here, but I can't seem to understand the disparity in big Os even after reading wiki's explanation.
Also, I am assuming that "complexity of algorithm" is synonymous to "time complexity". Is it right to do so?
Would really appreciate help in explaining this paradox, as I'm a newbie student with a few 'touch and go' programming modules worth of background.
Thanks in advance :)
The problem is that you actually know nothing about n
in your calculation - you don't say what it should be. When you calculate the actual error of the next iteration of the algorithm (do it!), you'll see that eg. if a
is at least 1 and error is less than 1, you basically double the number of valid places every iteration. So to get p
decimal places, you have to perform log(p)