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How to get a list of all dependency JARs in a parameter?

I'm working on a plugin for Talend Open Studio; the component architecture of that platform needs that all external JARs are declared in a component-descriptor XML file in a form like:

<IMPORT MODULE="commons-collections-3.2.1.jar" NAME="commons-collections-3.2.1" 

I use the Maven dependency plugins to manage all these external JARs

Is there a way to get all the dependency names in a list or something? This way can I be able to build the required strings (using an antcontrib task, perhaps), fill a ${parameter} and finally add it to XML file using maven-replacer-plugin?


  • Ok, I partly resolved this way that should works with some limitations:

                    <!-- add the ant tasks from ant-contrib -->
                    <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath"/>
                    <var name="import.set" value=""/> 
                    <for param="file">
                            <fileset dir="${}" includes="*.jar"/>
                            <var name="basename" unset="true"/> 
                            <basename file="@{file}" property="basename"/>
                            <var name="filenames" value="${basename}"/>
                            <var name="import.clause" value='&lt;IMPORT MODULE="${filenames}" NAME="${filenames}" REQUIRED="true"/&gt;'/>
                            <var name="import.set" value="${import.clause}${line.separator}${import.set}" />
                    <property name="import.jar" value="${import.set}"/> 

    Still some problems: even if exportAntProperties is set to true, the property ${import.jar} is still not available outside ant taska in other maven goals, while if i switch to maven-antrun-plugin 1.7 version, a "Error executing ant tasks:;)Ljava/lang/String;" exception is thrown. Still no clues...